Greetings, it's me, Alberto, but you can call me the Makerspace Guy!
When I was a kid, I heard a beautiful children's song in church entitled PASS IT ON. The lyrics began with,
"It only takes a spark to get a fire going. 🔥"
Well, every week I come across several bright ideas that spark brilliant future lesson plans! Some ideas I find online, others in books, but most are inspired by something as simple as a song, TV commercial, or a work of art hanging in a museum.
For this post, I've decided to share five favorite, easy-to-make ideas I came across this week. However, notice I have not included step-by-step instructions. ("What, no instructions!? What a predicament!" 😱) Often I simply share a project idea or photo of the item with my students, then encourage them to use their imaginations and figure out how to build their version of the creation!
You see, our Makerspace Station time is like free-play. Over the years, many of my Maker Kids have commented how much they enjoy the freedom to create whatever they want, in their own way. I find that it really opens the door to exploration and creativity!
So now, please allow me to present my...
5.) Make a momma or daddy origami dog. Then, use a smaller paper square to create a puppy!
4.) Using cardboard, build a model of a dog house for a stuffed toy doggie, origami dog, or even a real-life pet pooch!
3.) Construct puppets that resemble underwater creatures! They can be stick puppets, marionettes, hand puppets, finger puppets, or even eerie shadow puppets!
2.) Using items found around your room, fashion together a working spinner, then time it with a stopwatch. (Online stopwatches work just as well.) --- Want to make it a competition? Invite others to join you in making spinners and see who spins their structure the longest!
1.) Create something cool out of materials that were going to be thrown away. --- NOTE: Be certain the items are clean and free of hazardous chemicals.
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Please feel free to leave any questions or suggestions in the comment section.
--- Stay creative, The Makerspace Guy
(Pictures collected for the collages, as well as the gif and photos used for this blog entry were all found online.)
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You can also connect with me through social media:
Facebook: The Makerspace Guy
Twitter: @makerspaceguy
Instagram: makerspaceguy
Pinterest: @makerspaceguy
NOTE: Simply click on the orange links to get to each site.
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